for Sale
BD5 picture
BD5 B stretch (jet stretch). Clipped B (span 19 ft + tips), Stock aluminum block Civic engine and adjustable stand. This airframe, wings, stabilizers, flaps, ailerons, etc... were all jigged at BD Micro Aviation in San Jose. These are the same jigs used to build the BD jets for the aerobatic team in the 80's

All skins except wings are gold alodined, inside skins are sprayed with 2-part epoxy chromate primer.

Construction is complete except for engine plumbing, electrical, and engine-drive connection. Wings are closed but not sloshed. At the time flying surfaces were closed, FAA was still doing inspections and this aircraft was duly inspected.

Many extras:

More Pictures...

Some of the pictures are sequential views
of inside structures the should be viewed
in order so that you can tell what they are.
It is best to download them and view locally
because some of the files are quite large.

Aircraft is located in the SF Bay area.
Almost ready to fly, asking $9,999.

Contact: michael (at)
Cell/text: 415 860-1350